Displays information on your currently selected object. Dimmed because you have no object selected. Displays information on your currently selected object. Allows you to select an object from all the objects in your Infini-D world. Dimmed because you have no objects to select. Allows you to select an object from all the objects in your Infini-D world. This is useful to select a hidden or invisible object. Allows you to select an object from all objects in your Infini-D world. This is useful to select a hidden or invisible object. Dimmed because you have no objects to select. Allows you to select an object from all objects in your Infini-D world. This is useful to select a hidden or invisible object. Model Menu Use this menu for actions related to modeling, the creation of structure and geometry in your Infini-D world. Model Menu Use this menu for actions related to modeling, the creation of structure and geometry in your Infini-D world. Hierarchical menu cannot be helped! Hierarchical menu cannot be helped! Wrap a picture onto an object, while not having it go "through" the object to appear on the interior faces of the object. Most useful for placing labels on objects. Wrap a picture onto an object, while not having it go "through" the object to appear on the interior faces of the object. Most useful for placing labels on objects. Map a picture on to a sphere like a beach ball. Map a picture on to a sphere like a beach ball. Same as cylindrical, but with the same picture on the top and bottom caps. Same as cylindrical, but with the same picture on the top and bottom caps. Takes a picture and wraps it around a cylinder, like a label on a can. Takes a picture and wraps it around a cylinder, like a label on a can. Take a picture and map it onto all 6 sides of a cube. Note that this mode only works with cubes. Take a picture and map it onto all 6 sides of a cube. Note that this mode only works with cubes. The basic mapping mode, takes a PICT and maps it straight through the object. The basic mapping mode, takes a PICT and maps it straight through the object. Use this menu to choose a pre-defined lense size. Use this menu to choose a pre-defined lense size. Use this menu to choose a pre-defined lense size. Select a Truetype™ font for extrusion. Select a Truetype™ font for extrusion. Select a Truetype™ font for extrusion. Quits Infini-D. If any currently open scenes have been changed, you will be asked if changes should be saved. Dimmed because you can't quit from the Workshop. To quit, exit the Workshop. Quits Infini-D. If any currently open scenes have been changed, you will be asked if changes should be saved. Prints the contents of the selected View window. Dimmed because you have no selected View window to print from. Prints the contents of the selected View window. Set up the printer currently selected in the Chooser for printing. Dimmed becuase you can't setup your printer right now. Set up the printer currently selected in the Chooser for printing. Exports the current View window's image, either as a PICT or a TIFF file. Dimmed because you have no Scene window to export images from. Exports the current View window's image, either as a PICT or a TIFF file. Exports your Scene file to other 3D packages. Dimmed because you do not have a Scene open. Exports your Scene file to other 3D packages. Imports objects from other 3D packages. This command will access any Infini-D import filters in your Filters folder. Dimmed because you can't import objects right now. Imports objects from other 3D packages. This command will access any Infini-D import filters in your Filters folder. Reverts a Scene to the last saved version of the file. Dimmed because you have no Scene open, the Scene has not been saved, or you have just saved the file. Reverts a Scene to the last saved version of the file. Saves a Copy of the current Scene under a new name, without changing the name of the current Scene. Dimmed because you have no Scene to save. Saves a Copy of the current Scene under a new name, without changing the name of the current Scene. Saves the current Scene under a new name. Dimmed because you have no Scene to save. Saves the current Scene under a new name. Saves the current Scene. Dimmed because you have no Scene open. Saves the current Scene. Closes the current Scene. If the Scene has been changed, you will be asked if your changes should be saved. Dimmed because you can't close Scenes right now. Closes the current Scene. If the Scene has been changed, you will be asked if your changes should be saved.